DotA v6.82 AI Map English Version Free Download. Play with AI players on the DotA 6.82. This is official AI and already using English language. Download: Link 1 - DotA v6.82 AI Eng - DotaWorkshop.rar (6.98 MB) Link 2 - DotA v6.82 AI Eng - DotaWorkshop.rar (6.98 MB). Updated Resource Submission Rules: All model & skin resource submissions must now include an in-game screenshot.This is to help speed up the moderation process and to show how the model and/or texture looks like from the in-game camera. Dota 6.85b Lod Map Free Download. Map DotA v6.85b LoD.w3x download by ResQ. Features: Fixed abusing -r / -reset command to pick spells from teammate taverns Fixed gold formula for killing-bounties being outdated (Less 'comeback mechanic' now) Fixed drafts in -md not being unique if -d2 or above was used Fixed Marksmanship not working on slot 6. Download the map file (with.w3x extension) and place it in (Warcraft III Maps Download) directory. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT v1.24e or above to play this map. DotA 6.78c AI Features. Ported changes to IceFrog's DotA 6.78c; All heroes and skills now work properly.-cn mode has been updated to show professional player names. AI stuck bug is fixed.
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BuffmePlz has not released it yet, but he has retired from AImap making. Icefrog is now choosing someone else to take hisplace.
Free download map dota 6.68 ai
link :
Where can you download dota map?
You can download the dota maps from There are AI-maps available, though those will lag behind the official version by a few versions. You can also view the changelogs to see exactly what has been changed in the different versions.
Where can you download fight of character ai map?
You can download the Fight of Characters AI map at the Warcraft website.
Where can you download a fight of characters ai map?

How can you fix your new map of DOTA it says the file is too big?

Where can you download dota game?
You can download DotA at That's the official site for updates. You can also download the AI versions there, as well as view the changelogs, which will tell you everything that has been changed since the previous version.
Where can you get fight of character AI map?
You can always search in there are alot of dota related games there its nice

Warcraft 3 Dota 2 Ai Map Download
How do you change dota 1.18 to 1.22?
go to and click AI maps then download the version you want to change to your old version after the download is done copy the version then paste it to your dota folder click on it then run done have fun! Save
Where to get Fight of characters ai map for warcraft 3?
yes there is an ai map for the fight of characters...first you must download it and that's all!!!
Is there a way to make the computer players less skillful in Warcraft 3?
Depending on which map you play, you can reduce the skill. If you are referring to DotA then you can download AI maps at If you are referring to Melee maps then you can simply click the slots > easy. aCe-
Can you play dota with bots?
Yes there are DOTA AI maps which support computer players. You can find them on the GetDOTA forums.
What is the cheat for DOTA?
There are no cheat for DotA unless you're playing against the AI in single player mode. Because DotA is a user-created map for Warcraft III, the cheats that apply to Warcraft will work in your game. Greedisgood xxx for money, whosyourdaddy for invulnerability and instant-killing and thereisnospoon for unlimited mana will work.
What are dota bots?
Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Dota Ai Maps Download
Computer players in AI versions of the map that you may play against OR, if you are refering to someone in-game calling 'bot mia' it is a refrence to the bottom lane.
Warcraft 3 DotA Looking for DotA 6.56 maps? that is the official site, i reallise this answer is old, but the official site stays up to date with every map including AI+ maps as soon as they're created... ----------------------------------- In addition you could also check, you could search dota or warcraft 3 maps in this site. Enjoy :)
Where to get fight of characters AI map?
you can get the Ai map in MANDAUE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL -XiaoLin
Warcraft Dota Ai
How do you make it double creeps or more in Dota all-stars AI?
The spawn creeps command should work. Just press enter, type -spawncreeps, and press enter again. You can type it as many times as you want to spawn more. However, it will only work in single player mode on an AI map.