C Serialize List To Xml

Thanks, I've looked at so many ways on how to serialize and de-serialize a list and most don't work correctly, your is simple and works great. Reply Delete Replies. Meet The Overflow, a newsletter by developers, for developers. Fascinating questions, illuminating answers, and entertaining links from around the web. Converted to-and-from your hidden List property (converting from lists to arrays and vice versa is pretty simple) - then just serialize your Array. Joe wrote: Hi I have a Generics List in a PropertyGrid I am able to Serialize it to XML but when I try to deserialize back to the class of the PropertyGrid.

Active1 year, 7 months ago

Is there a way to serialize ActionResult from a controller in.net core 3, where ArrayList is composed of some type T (Person in this case). It won't serialize to XML, only JSON. This blog is in continuation of my other blog.In the first blog, I explained how to use XML attribute overrides to reduce the number of attributes required in source code, and how to centralize some common functionality in a single location (the blog focused on how to serialize to XML using camel casing as default for tag names). In an earlier post here, I wrote two functions to Serialize and Deserialize objects to XML strings. Since then, while reading a book about XML, I learned of even more power in the.Net XML Serialization libraries. In addition to serializing objects and collections of objects you can serialize ArrayLists which can contain disparate or non-homogeneous objects.

I have an object list and wanna serialize it to xml. My object is:

And here i make my list just like this:

And i send this list to a method which will serialize my object:

And my method is:

In this method; i use pugixml library for serialization. Because of non-reflection language c++, i had to do this to serialize my object. Here is my old question:How to change or delete tags in boost serialization? And my object header like this:

This struct can serialize object to xml successfully. Just for clear, here my example:


if i serialize this pingLog object: saver(_doc.root(), 'PingLog', pingLog);


print will be like this:

My question is, when i serialize an array i got xml tags for each object. Here an example xml print:

How can i fix this, what is my fault?

C Serialize List To Xml Online

Marijke BuurlageMarijke Buurlage

2 Answers

if anyone would have a problem like this; here is my solution:

i have just added another struct thanks to @Scheff who is my mentor now.

C Serialize List To Xml

My new Xml Saver is like this:

And my new struct is:

C Serialize List To Xml Download

I'm using this struct like this:

The only problem is in the xml we have an unnecessary tag ' thats why i had to change my server side code too.

Anyway thank you for your comments and support.

Marijke BuurlageMarijke Buurlage

If you are able to add some small modification into structure, and you have C++ 11. You can try my lib, can be found at https://github.com/incoder1/IO:

An example for you case:

And the result:

Victor GubinVictor Gubin

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged c++xmlfor-loopserializationpugixml or ask your own question.

Create a XML Serialization and Deserialization for generic list in C# windows form application?

Jul 23, 2013 07:16 AM|amulsva|LINK

C Serialize List To Xml Software

I tried code like this.....

private void Serialize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<Personal> pdetails = new List<Personal>();
Personal personals = new Personal
ID = int.Parse(txtsno.Text),
Name = txtname.Text,
Phone = long.Parse(txtpno.Text),
Address = txtaddr.Text
XmlSerializer xmlser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Personal>));
StreamWriter swtr = new StreamWriter(@'f:serialize.xml');
xmlser.Serialize(swtr, pdetails);
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
XmlSerializer xmlser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Personal>));
StreamReader srdr = new StreamReader(@'f:serialize.xml');
List<Personal>p = (List<Personal>)xmlser.Deserialize(srdr);

Serialize Xml File

but i want dynamic xml serialization and deserialization...
i.e. while i serializing the objects that want to add in xml doc.. two and more input datas....

C# Serialize Xml To Object

but i entering the details that creating a xml file tooo... but my probem is cant enter another input data to the existing file itself....

For that i want to use memory stream.. How to use memory stream for write more inputs in xml by clicking the buttons..

how to do deserialization for get xml to objects...

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