We have thousands of titles for girls. This begs the question: what sort of games does the average girl like to play? See all our girls games and play online! Connect with gamers on our Gamer Dating site, and collect your free game as a reward! Join 1000s of other gamers today. Welcome to Girl Games, the largest free game site made just for girl gamers!This is the place to play free Love games in popular categories such as Dating Games, Kissing Games, Romance Games, Wedding Games, and much more!

All's Fair in Love and Games
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Finding true love in the real world is tough – but virtual love is guaranteed in our dating games! Whether you're looking for a simulation of 'the one' or just a cartoon cutie to be 'the one for now,' you've always got a partner in romance in our virtual worlds of dating fun.

Dating Sim For Girls

Never spend another Saturday night alone! At least, don't feel like you are with a dating simulator. All the romance with none of the fear of real rejection – and no need to spend hours (or at least minutes) getting ready. A simulator (or 'sim' for the super-savvy) is the perfect way to practice your pick-up strategy away from the prying eyes of the public. Pick up some fresh moves in the virtual world in dating strategy games like Disco Flirt to put to work in the real world. (Guys, this is also the perfect place to get some insight into what the girls are dreaming about.) Plus: no worries about who pays the bill when you play a dating sim like My Super Boyfriend. And the date is over the moment you want it to be. Best of all, whether that date went well or not, you've got a ton more options and opportunities lined up right here.
18+ Dating Games For Girls
Of course there are plenty of dating games for girls, but we know plenty of guys count our virtual frolics in the land of love as one of their guilty pleasures as well. Virtual dating games offer a fantasy escape for all – whether you're looking for a taste of true love or some cheeky cheating action you'd never engage in in real life.
Blind Date Girl Games
If dating is all about games, at least learn the rules. Ready to level the playing field? The choice is yours: who will you take out tonight? They're waiting for you right here. Take your pick and play.